Sahara Reporters Latest News Sunday 3rd February 2019

Sahara Reporters Latest News Sunday 3rd February 2019

Sahara Reporters Latest News Today and headlines on some of the happenings and news trend in the Country, today 03/02/19

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Leadership Newspapers News Today Sunday 3rd February 2019

target=_blank>The 11th Plague: Hailstorm of Internet Fraudsters By Koye-Ladele Mofehintoluwa

“Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud”- Sophocles

“Corruption, embezzlement, fraud, these are all characteristics which exist everywhere. It is regrettably the way human nature functions, whether we like it or not. What successful economies do is keep it to a minimum. No one has ever eliminated any of that stuff”- Alan  GreenspanEvery human society thrives based on a variety of factors but the most important is the human factor. The value system of the people and the type of people in a society determines to a large extent what will become of their society. Societies that place their values on building their youths and children into adults capable of progress and innovation would make more advancement than a society where they youths are largely known for a lifestyle in pursuit of wealth, sole personal career, fun and drugs.
Why do some nations fail and some nations prosper? It is really down to the type of people(which determines the type of leaders) that are found in this nation and not necessarily the endowments of nature in terms of resources that such a nation possesses.
It is the case that African nations have since independence not been able to do much in terms of advancement in the areas of science and technology. The economies of African countries are also terrible in most parts. There are 33 countries in Africa considered LDC’s -Least Developed Countries. The continent has a total of 54 countries. Of the 47 countries considered Least Developed Countries in the world, 33 are in Africa.
It has been said often and ought not to be repeated that Africa has some of the world’s most treasured and valuable natural resources but yet has done nothing with it to translate into growth and development. The problem of electricity persists despite the presence of solar, wind and water sources for the power to be derived. The problem of feeding exists despite acres of land that can be used for agriculture. Various problems have their solutions right before the eyes of Africans and yet these problems are never solved. Several reasons have been given to explain this but the most important is that of the human factor. What are the values of African youths?
In Nigeria, there is a concern that has since the early 2000’s created much attention but has still not been doused. The concern of ‘yahoo’ boys or internet fraudsters that carry the popular local tag of 419. As at when the menace started, it began with a slow creep of emails sent to foreigners which aim to appeal to the greed of these foreigners in order to dupe them or some of them contain pity stories and then solicit help. An action criminalised as Obtaining Under False Pretence.
The fact that it was new as at then (early 2000’s) ensured the success rate of the scam was high and very little protection had been set up by internet service providers to check such mails. As such, the first generation of those who went into the fraud system were very successful and had a ready market.
While they were at it, more people joined observing the luxury lifestyle of those who started it and they became attracted to it. With the crime widening, the government started the Electoral and Financial Crimes Agency which alongside the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission were empowered to tackle the menace of internet fraud. The fraud system had become lucrative however and before it could be curtailed spread beyond what the government could effectively stop especially as it was(and is) a type of crime that the offender(s) is invisible and cloaked behind a device.
While there are arguments that seek to justify the menace, the most popular one being that the era of slave trade deserves a reply from Africa with similar exploitation of Europe with fraud. One understands that the menace only deteriorates the condition of Africa further as it attracts her youths to a nonproductive sector that would not create any advancement or production of goods and services which strengthen the economy but only provides money that is immediately spent off back to the same source from which it came.
When one observes the lifestyle of internet fraudsters, one realizes that they spend quite lavishly on cars, drinks and women(who spend on jewelry, foreign makeup kits and other such) and this their mode of spending the money means they also return it to their supposed exploiters. The cars and other lavish items are usually produced in the countries from which the persons were exploited and as such, the money adds no national or communal value to the country of the fraudsters but rather takes more away from it especially as liability and not assets are acquired by the spendthrifts.
Recently, one of the participants in the Big Brother Nigeria show sought to defend the menace on the internet claiming that- ‘yahoo boys’ bring money into the economy. If this is so, why have African economies not reflected an increase or positive rise since the menace began? Why has the economic condition remained the same despite the fact that a lot of our youths have taken to internet fraud which supposedly brings money into the economy?
Already, the government has ignored the fact that the menace means great disaster for the future of Nigeria (and Africa) as a lot of our youths who should be gaining knowledge and skill to power our advancement in various sectors especially science and technology have taken to the easy wealth option of fraud and would in the long run not be of any use to the country. We are daily losing human resource as more people abandon work which can advance the economy and produce foreign exchange but rather take to an exploitative life of crime which benefits the person but not the society.
The ready-material for those who become internet fraudsters is present when there are no job opportunities and the future does not seem good for youths who desire to make their own attainments and are ambitious . Again, there is the pressure to be as successful as the next man and when the next man attains this success by fraud, the motivation to do it spreads to others and as such is a very contagious menace.
The danger of the 11th plague is that it brings other plagues along with it. While we complain of internet fraud, there is a need to understand that it is linked to a lot of other issues such as drug abuse, human trafficking, robbery and also human rituals. There is a trend in Nigeria which suggests that crime is on the rise whenever the market for ‘yahoo-yahoo’ is bad. Whenever there is no means to defraud or it has become harder, in order to keep their lifestyles, there is a resort to criminality of various sorts especially armed robbery. There are also evidences to suggest that there is a chain in the underworld that links internet fraudsters and human traffickers. 
Internet fraudsters establish links across countries and these links are also used to transport people for the purpose of prostitution, cheap labor and other sorts under the guise that they would be emigrating to a place where there are better opportunities.
In Nigeria, there is also a strong belief in diabolic actions. The desperation occasioned by internet fraud has led to a combination of diabolic practices and internet fraud. This is known as ‘yahoo plus’. Human body parts are sourced to the end that they are used for rituals that are believed to enhance the chance of an internet fraudster or to make him get the right ‘client’ who will be gullible enough to part with funds. The 11th plague is a severe one and it is of late on the rise. As it stands, there is a need to educate people on how their actions hurt the community and how their explanations for why they take to such fraud is not tenable. There is a corresponding need to ensure that the government funds education and at the same time provides opportunities for educated Nigerians to be something better than Twitter political warriors fighting themselves to political ends. It is the case that as more people take to internet fraud, we lose a very strong populace of our youths and young ones to a life that would lead to no economic development of the nation but rather individual gains that are again quickly lost to lavish spending.
There is an hailstorm of internet fraudsters presently falling and to ensure that it stops, the Nigerian youth needs to see why he should stop. The government needs to come on board and dissuade this menace by creating alternate avenue for individual expression, ambition and success. The society also needs to stop praising these people in songs and to ensure that only people who make their wealth from the sweat of their brow are honored.
Koye-Ladele Mofehintoluwa can be reached on He is an opinion writer and a Law student. He writes on various topics of interest especially activism, Nigerian politics, legal issues and other sorts. He has a passion for Human Rights. On twitter at @koye_tolu  



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Koye-Ladele Mofehintoluwa

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target=_blank>Isoko Community Vows To Banish Anyone Who Votes For APC

Ahead of the February 16 and March 2, 2019 elections, stakeholders of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Ikpide-Irri riverine community, Isoko South Local Government Area of Delta State, have threatened that any indigene who casts his or her vote for the All Progressives Congress (APC) would be banished from the community.
SaharaReporters reliably gathered that the decision was taken on Friday during the PDP stakeholders meeting held at John Kpokpogri’s residence, a retired admiral at Ikpide-Irri community and attended by Aggrey Apena, a strong PDP member and Archbishop of Bethesda Gospel Mission, Pius Otolo, John Kpokpogri, Immanuel Emoefe, Chairman of PORTPLUS limited, a marine firm handling the N736,404, 555.60 road contract said to have been a ‘kola’ gift to the firm by Ifeanyi Okowa of Delta State. 
Speaking in confidence with our correspondent, a PDP member, who attended the meeting, said other decisions were reached during the meeting but what was top on the agenda was the “banishment” of any indigene who cast his or her vote for APC in the February 16 and March 2 elections.
He said: “At the meeting, the issue of the arrest of Mr. Endurance Ukpethu over the protest concerning the controversial ‘kola-nut’ road contract was also raised and Immanuel Emoefe, chairman of PORTPLUS limited, a marine firm handling the controversial Ikpide-Irri N736,404,555.60 road contract vowed to deal with the local government council chairman, Itiako Ikpokpo, for backing Ukpethu. Immanuel vowed to fight with the last drop of his blood to make sure that Ikpokpo and Ukpethu are jailed.
“At this juncture, Aggrey Apena, Archbishop of Bethesda Gospel Mission, Irri, cautioned him to tread with caution as those protesting against the controversial substandard road project meant well for the community and should be invited for a dialogue. However, Immanuel vehemently turned down the cleric’s advice. As I talk to you, following the banishment threat targeted at APC members, so many persons in the past two days have been dumping the APC for PDP for fear of being molested and banished.”
A community leader, who preferred not to be named for fear of attack by “political thugs” working for the PORTPLUS Limited Chairman, said: “The issue of banishing APC members in Ikpide-Irri by Immanuel and PDP leaders in the community as threatened is a fact and must not be handled with kids gloves at all.
“Before now, Immanuel and Kpokpogri, a retired Navy Admiral, had vowed to use their connections to occupy the community with soldiers and other security agents, who will harass and intimidate APC members during the general election. In the 2011 and 2015 elections, that was how Immanuel and Kpokpogri occupied the entire community with soldiers, harassing, beating and intimidating members of the opposition. I can also tell you that Immanuel has brought in wrappers to be distributed to women and girls, including cash, during the elections. 
“Though I don’t belong to any of the political parties in the community and I don’t vote, a level playing ground must be allowed for all parties in the community during the elections. You know Immanuel will do everything to protect his food from the PDP and to grab more multi-million naira contracts and amass illicit wealth to the detriment of the community indigenes. A case study is the controversial Ikpide-Irri road contract which he said was given to him as kola-nut Governor Okowa.”A member of the APC in the community, who simply identified himself as Orowo, confirmed the development to our correspondent, stating that “series of secret meetings have been going on at the residence of the owner of PORTPLUS limited, perfecting plans on how to rig the elections and use soldiers to harass, intimidate and beat us members of the APC in the community which they have done in the past before now. You can’t turn a whole community into a one-party community.
“We APC members in Ikpide-Irri community want to use this medium to call on President Muhammadu Buhari, the party’s governorship candidate, Chief Great Ogboru, the immediate past governor of the state and APC Delta South senatorial candidate, Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan and Honourable Joel-Onowakpo Thomas of Isoko federal constituency to come to our aid and also put solid measures in place for the protection of our members in Ikpide-Irri during the elections.
“How can a man will so be desperate and dubious and fraudulent and plan to maim his own people because of elections? This is a man, for reasons best known to him, changed his real name from Emmanuel Omojefe to Immanuel Emoefe. This is a man that was given a road contract of almost one billion Naira as kola by Okowa, according his elder brother and president general of Ikpide-Irri, Mike Omojefe. Immanuel and his cohorts have always been involved in vote buying in this community during elections.
“At the end, he will use the community to negotiate for political appointment for his family members and grab contracts. For good sixteen years now, the senator representing Delta South senatorial district, James Manager, and member representing Isoko federal constituency, Leo Ogor, have failed the people Ikpide-Irri community and Isoko in general, as such must be voted out. Blood will flow should they carry out their plans to rig the elections and use soldiers to harass and intimidate us,” the APC declared.
At the time of filing in this report, all efforts to reach out to Immanuel Emoefe and other PDP leaders who participated in the stakeholders’ meeting, proved abortive as their mobile lines were not be reachable. However, a community member disclosed that the riverine community has no mobile network due to the terrain.


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target=_blank>BREAKING: APC Supporter Killed In Clash At Campaign Rally In Bayelsa

Braye Embikoro, a supporter of All Progressives Congress (APC) in Bayelsa State,has been killed in a clash between rival political parties while several others have been wounded.
The incident occurred on Saturday at a campaign rally of the APC Bayelsa West senatorial candidate, Captain Karimu at Tungbobiri-Sagbama, a distance from Governor Seriake Dickson’s country home.
Political thugs invaded the venue and unleashed attacks on the gathering.
Last week, Timipre Sylva, former Governor of the state and leader of the party, led a protest to the state police command against alleged intimidation of his party members.




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target=_blank>Court Admits Evidence Showing How Shekarau, Two Others Shared N950m From Diezani

The trial of Ibrahim Shekarau, a former Governor of Kano State, continued on February 1, 2019, with Justice Lewis Allagoa of a Federal High Court in Kano, admitting in evidence the statements made by Shekarau and two others, with whom he is facing money laundering charges.
Shekarau is standing trial alongside Aminu Bashir Wali and Mansur Ahmed on a six-count charge of conspiracy and money laundering to the tune of N950,000,000.
They are alleged to have taken possession of the said sum, which was “part of an unlawful act of Diezani Alison-Madueke”, a former Minister of Petroleum Resources, for gratification purpose, in the build-up to the 2015 general election.
The statements made by the three defendants under interrogation were tendered in evidence by the prosecution led by EFCC counsel, Samuel Chime. They were admitted in evidence and marked as Exhibits A, A1, A2, B and C. The court also admitted in evidence a receipt of payment and a letter both from Fidelity Bank as Exhibits D and D1, respectively.
Prosecution witness, Mahmud Tukur, an operative of the EFCC, told the court how investigations revealed that they colluded and collected the N950million from Fidelity Bank and distributed same among members of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Kano.
He said: “After concluding the investigation, it was revealed that N950million was received by the 2nd and 3rd defendants on 9th March, 2015, at Fidelity Bank Plc Murtala Mohammed Way Branch, Kano, and was handed over by the 2nd and 3rd defendants to the chief detail of the 1st defendant on the consent of the 1st defendant and the N950,000,000 was transported to the house of the 1st defendant where it was distributed on the 27th of March, 2015.”
He noted that the handling of the cash for the distribution contravened the Money Laundering (Prohibition) Act, as it was above the threshold permitted by law.
Tukur further told the court that Shekarau got N25million, while Wali received N25million, with Mansur getting N10 million.
Tukur, whose testimony began on January 31, 2019, had told the Court that the EFCC received intelligence report that Diezani warehoused N23billion at Fidelity Bank in Lagos, out of which N950 million was “directed” to be given to the PDP in Kano, which was received two days to the 2015 presidential election, by Wali and Mansur.
He said: “Having received this report, a case file was opened for the intelligence and we commenced investigation by visiting Fidelity Bank’s Muratala Mohammed Way Branch, Kano, and we interviewed the Business Manager, Aliyu Dau Aliyu, and the operation manager.
“In the course of the interview, they confirmed to us that they gave the 2nd and 3rd defendants the sum of N950million, and shortly after that, they provided us with the receipt of payment alongside the identification document of the 2nd and 3rd defendants via a letter dated 27th April, 2016.”
Under cross-examination, S.T. Ologunorisa (SAN), counsel for the 2nd and 3rd defendants, asked Tukur if he had the account name and number of the bank account that Deizani used to “warehouse” the N23billion.
“It was an intelligence report that we acted on,” he replied.
Ologunorisa then asked if he was aware of the fundraising dinner that generated over N20billion for the PDP, to which Tukur responded that he had no knowledge of it.
The prosecution, thereafter, called its second witness, Saheed Adeolula, a former staff of Fidelity Bank Plc branch that allegedly received the money.
Adeolula told the court that his bank had, sometime in March, received instruction from the headquarters for the release of the sum of N950million to the 2nd defendant who was accompanied by one other person.
The witness informed the court that before releasing the money, he called to get confirmation from the Divisional Head of Operations who told him to carry out the transaction as instructed.
“We then approached the Central Bank of Nigeria to get the money because there was not enough money at the branch and due to the delay from the CBN, the transaction was done in the night,” he said.
Adeolula further told the court that the procedure in which the money was distributed was not a normal banking procedure.
“It is not a normal transaction, in the sense that it did not pass any account and the beneficiaries did not present any instrument for the transaction,” he added.
The case has been adjourned to April 10 and 11, 2019 for continuation of trial.




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target=_blank>PDP Jealous Of Buhari, Says Garba Shehu

Garba Shehu, Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity, says the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) is “jealous” of President Muhammadu Buhari.
He stated this in a Facebook post on Saturday, in response to the opposition party’s comments on the presence of Niger Republic governors at the All Progressives Congress (APC) presidential campaign rally in Kano State on Thursday.
According to Shehu, the presence of leaders from other African countries at the President’s campaign rally is proof of the “Buhari phenomenon that is sweeping across the entire continent”.
The statement read: “On the issue of Niger Republic Governors visit to Nigeria, what we want PDP to know, there is a Buhari phenomenon that is sweeping across the entire continent. Candidates for national leadership in each country are doing whatever they can to understand the Buhari phenomenon, to copy it, to institute it.
“That’s why people from the African continent…when they had the presidential election in Ghana, there was a candidate who branded himself the Buhari of Ghana.
“When they had the presidential election in Chad last year, there was a Buhari of Chad. They had printed posters with their pictures with Buhari side by side. So, Nigeria has been gifted with an honest leader, a man endowed with rare qualities and people are trying to copy that.
“So, if our neighbours from Niger come to witness how President Buhari is doing his politics, what is the problem with that? Is there any law that is broken? Or did they see anyone that will buy vote or collect PVC?
“So, it’s jealousy. They are panicky and jealous. It should worry PDP that nobody is coming across the border to understudy PDP.”





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E2%80%99s-trial-resumes-monday target=_blank>Fayose’s Trial Resumes On Monday

Fayose arriving in court on Wednesday

The trial of Ayodele Fayose, the embattled former Governor of Ekiti State, over allegations of N7.2billion fraud preferred against him by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) will resume on Monday, February 4, 2019.
The trial will continue before Justice Mojisola Olatoregun of the Federal High Court in Lagos.
Senator Musiliu Obanikoro, a former Minister of State for Defence, had been led in evidence by Rotimi Jacobs (SAN), counsel to EFCC at the last hearing.
Obanikoro testified that he gave Fayose the sum of $5million in cash from the National Security Adviser imprest account, on the instruction of Sambo Dasuki, the then National Security Adviser during the administration of former President Goodluck Jonathan.

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Obanikoro Tells Court How He Gave Fayose $5m from Arms Funds On Dasuki’s Orders


1 Week Ago

Fayose applied for an adjournment through his lawyers, Kanu Agabi (SAN) and Olalekan Ojo (SAN) to enable them cross-examine Obanikoro.
Consequently, Justice Olatoregun had adjourned the case to February 4, 5 and 6, respectively for continuation of trial, but ruled that it will be the last adjournment from defendants until the conclusion of the trial.




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E2%80%99s-chopper-crash-lands-kogi target=_blank>Osinbajo’s Chopper Crash-lands In Kogi

Vice President, Yemi Osinbajo

Vice President Yemi Osinbajo

The helicopter conveying Vice President Yemi Osinbajo has crash-landed in Kabba, Kogi State.
According to information by Laolu Akande, Senior Special Assistant (Media and Publicity) to the Vice President, the incident occurred on Saturday afternoon.
Osinbajo and the entire crew are safe.
A tweet by Akande read: “VP Osinbajo’s Chopper crash lands in Kabba, but he and the entire crew safe. He is continuing with his engagements and plans for the day in Kogi State.” VP Osinbajo’s Chopper crash lands in Kabba, but he and the entire crew safe. He is continuing with his engagements and plans for the day in Kogi State.— Laolu Akande (@akandeoj) February 2, 2019



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target=_blank>20 SANs ‘Deeply Concerned’ By Events Surrounding Onnoghen’s Suspension

A group of Senior Advocates of Nigeria (SANs) have expressed “deep concern” over the events surrounding the suspension of Walter Onnoghen as the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN).
The SANs — 20 of them — have formed a group that will focus on reforming Nigeria’s judicial system.
A statement made available to SaharaReporters on Saturday, noted that the decision came as a result of the recent suspension of Walter Onnoghen as the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN).
Onnoghen was suspended by President Muhammadu Buhari on January 25, 2019. Justice Ibrahim Tanko Muhammad was sworn in to take his place, although in acting capacity.
According to the statement, the SANs resolved to work on restructuring the judiciary for two reasons: “(i) a recognition that the events which have resulted in this debacle is in fact a manifestation of and response to a deeper malaise in the administration of justice and justice delivery in Nigeria; and (ii) a concern that the crisis of confidence that is currently shaking the judiciary and the legal profession in Nigeria is unprecedented.”
The 20 SANs are: Mr. Ebun Sofunde, Mr. Kayode Sofola, Mr. Kola Awodein, Mr. Ademola Akinrele, Dr. Eyimofe Atake, Mrs. Olufunke Adekoya, Mr. Oluwafemi Atoyebi, Mr. Yemi Candide -Johnson, Mr. Olasupo Shasore, Dr. Babatunde Ajibade.
Others are Mr. Osaro Eghobamien, Mr. Babatunde Fagbohunlu, Mr. Wemimo Ogunde, Mr. Jibrin Okutepa, Mr. Olumide Sofowora, Professor Ernest Ojukwu, Mr. Olatunde Adejuyigbe, Dr. Adewale Olawoyin, Mr. Adeniyi Adegbonmire and Mr. Oyesoji Oyeleke.
The statement read: “We are a group of Senior Advocates of Nigeria who feel embarrassed and deeply concerned by the recent events surrounding the suspension of Honourable Justice W.S.N. Onnoghen as the Chief Justice of Nigeria.
“In making this intervention, we do not propose to delve into the merits or demerits of the respective positions that have been taken by the different actors regarding the suspension of Justice Onnoghen.
“Our focus in making this intervention given the context of the unfolding events is to examine the underlying factors that have engendered or perpetuated the undoubted loss of confidence in the judiciary and the legal profession and to proffer suggestions for a much needed reform.”
According to the lawyers, certain facts on the judiciary made the intervention necessary. The “hardly contestable” facts are listed as: “Widespread perception that there is corruption in the judiciary and this perception is supported by anecdotal evidence”, as well as “unscrupulous litigants and some complicit lawyers, including some Senior Advocates, procure judgments and orders by corrupt means.”
The SANs also noted that it was beyond dispute that “the system for self-regulation in the judiciary and the legal profession has failed”, while also adding that “lack of transparency and a deep appreciation of the basic ethos of governance in the processes and procedures of the relevant institutions lies at the very heart of the challenges the Bench and the Bar are currently facing”.
The statement continued: “There is a perception that the National Judicial Council (NJC) has been ineffective in exercising discipline where high-ranking judicial officers are involved and that its proceedings and internal processes are unduly opaque. Similarly, the Nigerian Bar Association is notorious for its inefficacy in respect of disciplinary issues. Petitions filed by litigants and members of the public linger for years on end without resolution.
“The Nigerian legal profession and justice system have known better days. We recall the golden era of our judiciary, when judgments of Nigerian courts were cited with approval in foreign courts. Sadly, this is no longer the case.
“In our view, the incessant examples of contradictory decisions that have afflicted Nigerian jurisprudence in all facets of law further fuel the perception of incompetence and corruption by the Nigerian judiciary and the legal profession.
“It must be obvious to everyone that the time has come for urgent self- introspection and evaluation with the ultimate aim of a robust systemic reform of the Nigerian judiciary and the legal profession.”
According to the lawyers, the group has been established “to collaborate with stakeholders in an effort aimed at achieving broad consensus on, and implementing a process that will lead to the review and reform of the following critical aspects of our justice delivery system.”
Aspects of the judicial system the group will focus on are as follows:
1. The composition, constitution, functions and internal controls of the National Judicial Council.
2. The process for the appointment, continuing education and promotion of judicial officers.
3. The process for the discipline and regulation of judicial officers.
4. The terms and conditions of service of judicial officers.
5. Judicial ethics, values and the relationship of the Bench with the Bar.
6. The process for the appointment of lawyers to the Body of Benchers.
7. The composition, constitution and internal controls of the Legal Practitioners Privileges Committee.
8. The process and criteria for the conferment of the rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria.
9. The roles and responsibilities of Senior Advocates of Nigeria as leaders of the Bar.
10. The regulation and discipline of Legal Practitioners.
11. Ethics, values and standards of legal practice.
12. The composition, constitution and internal controls of the National Executive Committee of the Nigerian Bar Association.
Noting that the “need for action is urgent”, the statement added: “We will commence our work immediately, and we will operate on the basis of transparency, objectivity and inclusiveness. We will soon publish details of how we propose to engage and collaborate with all stakeholders, especially the Nigerian Bar Association.”




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target=_blank>BREAKING: Obasanjo Meets Politicians, Security Chiefs Behind Closed Doors

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo is meeting political party leaders, as well as security chiefs of Ogun State behind closed doors.
The meeting began on Saturday afternoon, and is taking place at the Abeokuta residence of the former President.
According to Punch, Wale Egunleti, Chairman of the Action Democratic Party (ADP) in Ogun; Gboyega Isiaka, governorship candidate of the African Democratic Congress (ADC); Chief Jide Ojuko, zonal director of the Allied Peoples Movement Campaign Council in Ogun West (APM), and Ayo Olubori, Ogun State Caretaker Secretary of the All Progressives Congress (APC) have arrived the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital.
Abimbola Oyeyemi, Public Relations Officer of the Ogun State Police Command and other security chiefs were also present.
The meeting is said to have been convened at the instance of the former President.
More to follow…


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BREAKING: Ethiopian Wins Lagos City Marathon

Sintayehu Legese, an Ethiopian, has emerged the winner of the Access Bank Lagos City Marathon.
He crossed the finish line at 2:17 hrs.The race began at 7am on Saturday at the National Stadium, Surulere. 



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